area | amount (tax included) |
北海道 | ¥825 |
北東北 | ¥660 |
南東北 | ¥605 |
関東 | ¥605 |
信越 | ¥605 |
中部 | ¥605 |
北陸 | ¥605 |
関西 | ¥660 |
中国 | ¥715 |
四国 | ¥715 |
北九州 | ¥825 |
南九州 | ¥825 |
沖縄 | ¥825 |
*Shipping fees vary by region and will be confirmed after entering the delivery address.
*Shipping fees may differ when purchased with other items and will be confirmed after entering the delivery address.
*Free shipping on purchases over 10,000 yen.